Monday, June 14, 2010

Wow, Achievement

One of my goals was to do a little dirty job each day. Yeah, I haven't been so successful with that. Today, however, is an awesome accomplishment!! Cleaning out, reorganizing, getting rid of, anything to do with that is a huge and dreadful task. I think I have some attachment issues, and then with the loss of my mom (almost 9 years ago, now) it makes it even more difficult. I still have (and stupidly kept) 3 small boxes of notes I've passed throughout my middle and high school years!!!! To the point, you say, well, I have a BUNCH of stuff ready for a garage sale, gave a bag of stuff to good will and recycled and trashed a bunch of other stuff. I can't believe myself. All in one evening.

I now have a little more room in the "scrap room" where I've cleaned out a box of garage sale stuff, have a pile of baby stuff to give or sell and then organized some file cabinets and have a mid-size box of recycling and a small trash can full of stuff!!! Ryan (my hubby who dreads doing this with me, because we always argue) and I re-organized the big gray tubs that were in the attic, and minimized our stuff by three tubs, then have two tubs to go into the garage sale and have a tub of each size of clothing from our sons to lend out!! I feel like a whole new woman, and even more excited to accomplish more tomorrow! (Hopefully I'll put some of the stuff away that I got out of the tubs and wanted to keep, for some unknown reason, some of my stuff wound up in tubs up in the attic without me knowing. . . . hmmmm, the husband.)

  1. Graham's swimming lessons (his birthday tomorrow!!)
  2. Gabe's tutoring (thanks Jessica!!)
  3. hopefully some gal pals are going to come over and take some stuff
  4. gather more for the recycle/trash/sale/give away piles!!!

Happy Tuesday, coming my way!!!

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