Thursday, December 1, 2011

Live Like You Are Dying?

Guess what, each breath we take is one breath closer to our deaths.  Well, it is if you really think about it in that way.  Who knows when, where and how - but really, every step we take is one step closer to death.  Wow, those are some pretty wicked statements!!  With that being cleared up - what the heck is my point?

Oh, my point?  Well, so - here it like you are dying!  I have no clue when cancer is gonna get me - I'm not certain it will, but, I'm guessing it will.  I have no clue when my life will be utterly changed.  Following this principal, I should party like a rock star, right?  I mean, who knows, I could keel over tomorrow for all I know!  So, forget responsibility, forget what you have to do and go out and have fun!!  Live it UP!!!

HA!  That's a laugh!  I know I'm the out-going optimistic one, but let's get back to reality!  Reality is, that I could last another 100 years, lol!  So, if I party like a rock star all the time and forget all of my responsibilities, I am going to be up a creek without a paddle.  There's a fine line there that I am treading.  I am sure I am disappointing some who are examining the style of my current life, but my philosophies are being really explored these days.

Can I just say that I have a to do list a mile long.  I have things I have to do, things I need to do, things I want to do and things I'd like to do that are sprinkled through that list.  I am a very goal oriented person.  I like accomplishment.  I like responsibility and doing it well.  I love my job.  I love having things on my to do list checked off and all of my ducks in a row........but does all that really matter when you're coming closer to the moment of death every second?

You know something, it really doesn't matter.  Who's going to have an epitaph that says, "Cleanest house," or "Bills were always organized," or "Person who has everything done." My epitaph is going to be far more interesting.  Mine is going to incorporate friendship and good times. It is going to have a balance between having a blast all the time and having my responsibilities done.  Priorities are different for each of us and mine are certainly not based solely on productive individual accomplishments, mine involve a healthy serving of a good time.

When I kick the bucket, I hope that I have my bucket list completed, a load of laundry in the wash, and dishes in the sink.  I hope to have made a difference in many of my friends' lives.  I hope to have experiences that are of interest and I expect that there will be things left to be done....but I'll be able to say that I went to the grave with my song sung.

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