Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I'm back!!!!

At least to blogging that is!

Since this blog started with some goals - let's just update on those. . .

1.  my goal of happiness - because that was the one word for 2011 that I really wanted to focus on.  Yep, it's achieved and maintaining.  Yes, I have my moments.  Who wouldn't?  Like when my ex talked about going back to court, yeah, I wasn't happy at all; however, overall, so many more happy days (and even on the icky days, so much happier around the icky spots).  I've had so many comments asking if I've grown over the summer.  I'm 33, I'm not growing!  But, I realized this evening that I have grown.  I've grown happier and now stand a little taller and a little prouder!!

2. a goal of losing some weight - it has been achieved.  I have lost 28 pounds.  My goal was to lose 32, and I would still love to do that; however, I realize looking in the mirror, that it's not "weight" I want to lose now, it's the fat - I'll be working on turning that into muscle.  So, my weight goal has become an exercise and healthy eating goal. 

3. that dirty job thing - ugh, with buying and moving into a new to me home, I have done my fair share of dirty jobs.  I will admit that I WILL NOT CLEAN OUT THE SUMP PUMP HOLE!!  I will pay someone to do that if I can't have a family member to do it.  I don't know why, but it creeps me out!!  I almost want to vomit when I go near that hole, lol!!  And, I will also admit that my family and friends have done many dirty jobs at my home.  There were almost 20 of us over the move in days getting me into my home and accomplishing the tasks that were necessary for my home.

4.  blogging my scrapbook things, that's still a goal!  Considering I haven't scrapped all summer and don't even have the scrapbook bags moved into my new home yet (so I'm not distracted, of course) I doubt this goal will be accomplished here soon, but I will be posting some things. . . finishing up an autism series, getting some stuff done on my teacher blog. . . yeah.

5. a new one. . . boxes, to unpack these boxes.  When I got divorced, my ex and I agreed on many things and life was very easy in this area. I was able to take almost all of the treasures from the house.  Currently those treasures are sitting in my "new" basement and I am living with what I need.  So now I am wondering, do I give some things back or have a HUGE garage, we shall see as time goes on!! What do you think I should do??

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