Sunday, April 3, 2011

Let's revisit some goals, please.....

Okay, so I really am not a goal minded person.  I am not an organized person.  I am not a scheduled person, nor am I punctual.  However, life changes!  I am becoming three out of the four. . . with hopes to become punctual after everything settles down! 

"Settles down?" you ask.  Well, yes, after the major life changes happening in my little section of the world, life will settle down.  My pursuit of happiness, my visions of happiness, and my life have lead me down an ever-changing path.  This path is marked with many caution signs indicating how rough the road will be, but yet again, I do feel that this is the path to happiness.  So, onto some goal making!!

1. Well, number one still has to be happiness, duh!
2. Finish the kitchen.  So, I kind of have a disaster on my hands.  I don't always make life-changing decisions at the best times in my life, to say the least!  So, four bare walls (down to the studs), a half ripped out kitchen floor and the destiny of a new floor and kitchen cabinets are on the way, but don't forget the paint and all the fixings. (I think this will qualify for the next months worth of dirty jobs!)
3. Put the house on the market!  Yes, you heard me correctly.  I'd like to be moving out of this house by August of 11.  Though this house holds MANY precious memories, I'd like to let it go, to open a new chapter in my life.  This is the house my mother moved me into, but in spirit she's with me to move me into another one. And I'm ready for that!
4. Start up my workout routine again.  What a slacker I've been!  I can't believe it, I went from working out two to three days a week to nothin'!  Although my weight loss is on a roll still, my muscle mass is deteriorating as we speak! So, I'd like to add some workouts to my life again.  I can and will do this one!
5.  I still have the goal of learning something new everyday.  For the next few weeks and months, I am positive I will in many more areas of life than already anticipated.

So, here again, I have re-evaluated life and so begins another short story in the book of Missy!

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