It seems like just yesterday, but in all actuality it has been 13 years since I last felt the touch of my mother's skin. Although her life was nothing like anything in the musical/movie RENT, I am constantly thinking of the song Seasons of Love.
May she be joyfully celebrating her eternal life, my mom, Nancy Jo Doepping Hardesty 10/20/1951-12/29/2001
I have been working on this post off and on for over three years. With people all around me losing someone close to them, it's easy to shovel out advice on how to grieve, and get through. But, that advice is worth the paper it's written on, or in this case the price of the blog you read. I have found that everyone grieves differently. People say there are seven stages in grief, and that you can go through all of them at different times and go back through them, too. Ya' know what I haven't found though, the expiration date on grief!
Grief has no expiration date. It doesn't end within a set time period. There are still times that I experience immense grief over the loss of my mother, 13 years later. Two weekends ago, it hurt like it was yesterday. Today, I'm fine. I have found that there are triggers in life that spark the emotions and memories to flare and the desire to just hear her
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