I found this lovely little piece on Pinterest and thought I could have written it myself....
There comes a point in time where you have to be realistic, yep, even me. I have baggage. I talk incessantly (for those of you who know me - stop laughing), and then talk even more when I'm nervous. I do laugh at the stupidest and weirdest things, my sense of humor is, in my opinion, pretty awesome, lol. My family is amazing and intense. My appetite is either HUGE or nonexistent & make myself eat for the sheer necessity of sustenance. I have musical outbursts like crazy that are randomly annoying for people who aren't used to it - I really only know catch phrases from most songs and I LOVE love LOVE to sing.... I dance, we dance, I dance. I dance in the car (don't worry, I'm safe, well, most of the time), I dance in the classroom, I dance down the hallway, I dance with my own boys, I dance with just about anyone. I love to do good-luck kicks down the hallway! My friends are, well, just like my family, are my everything. I would do anything for any of them in a heartbeat, even at my own expense. Tears....well, you'll only get tears on a rare occasion and they'll be reluctant - but when you do get them, consider yourself amazing. My imagination is wild-crazy-fun! I have an imagination that competes with a child's. My dreams (well, not the night time ones, I never remember those) my dreams are enormous. My dreams will not be achieved until after I'm dead and gone....I never want to stop dreaming. Walks in the rain, together time - any chance I can have! Random texts.....hahahahahahaha, just thinking of some of the CRAZY texts I've sent. They absolutely crack me up with their randomness. Useless arguments, I have to admit it, I'm guilty of them, but most times I come out laughing. The real me....sometimes is a mess.

I once read that when you are "on the lookout" you shouldn't waste time. You should be bettering yourself and preparing yourself to find that person. Making sure you aren't a public nose-picker or something crazy. Making sure your eating habits wouldn't mar the life of your future date. Making sure your everyday apparel won't scare off even the most laid-back prospect out there. That is what I'm doing right now. Although, I am not looking anywhere, I am working on becoming the person that will be desired by a person who will accept and take on who I am.
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