Do you see this camera?? Well, I see "this" camera every day now. In the happy home of my hands! I purchased it on Labor Day at my local Best Buy. It was not the one the salesman was hoping to sell me, since he and I had visited a few weeks ago as well; however, this one will fit my needs and had a wonderful package deal!

My friends following this blog will know that I am a bit of a shopaholic and tend to spend money like it is water at times. However, I have been saving for four months and have gotten the money to purchase the camera. Here's the part that I had to break to my loving husband - I got the package deal which includes the extra lens, a high speed memory card, and an extra battery. . . oh, and throw in the Geek Squad protection plan to include yearly sensor cleanings and some firmware update stuff I don't know about. And the protection plan also covers it for damages and accidents that happen, which, with me, could very well happen.
Here are the first two pictures I took with my recent purchase:

These are my loving children sitting in the parking lot of the Best Buy, while their obsessed mother opens the package of her camera and snaps pictures. Obviously, Gabe, sports the uninterested look of, "really mom, pictures in the car again, don't you have enough?" And Graham, since only being three is still happy to say, "Cheese!"
I love my new Canon Rebel xT1i, and will be experimenting greatly over the next few months. (And paying for all of the extras I added on! )
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