Hello? Hello? Where have you been this past year?
I have been looking back over the past year and, although everyone goes through a lot, I've been through a lot. There's been nothing major, no news worthy events, no marriage, child, or death - just life. I'm very much a girl who loves her quotes about life and lives through them. Thanks to Dad and Grandma H. the deepest, strongest motto of my life has to be, "Life isn't fair, so learn to live with it!" That motto can be spoken in so many ways and is soooooooooo true. Once that's learned, there are so many more things to learn and accept and in the past twelve months - I have. Learned. Accepted. Wow. So - to sum it up in my style, let's do some through quotes/sayings/cliche's.

I'm coming to find out that part of the way of life of happiness includes being confident in your decision making processes, accepting your failures/faults, picking yourself up and moving on. I sincerely believe in being a humble person; however, I do believe that you have to be proud of yourself, your choices and who you have walking with you in life to have this happiness we speak of. Being happy is a choice, and includes who you have along with you on your journey. No, those people cannot be your happiness, but they can impact it, positively or negatively, by their actions on your path.
Music has been huge constant in my life. Pandora is like a heart beat in my house. It's constantly doling out the most recent addiction of music to uplift my soul and sing to my spirit. It ranges from Christian, country, seasonal, Adele, musicals and children's stations. Music brings out strong emotions and just completely revitalizes me. It's a part of me that I just can't put aside - ever. Never....never again will it stray from me.

Jeremiah 29:11
New International Version (NIV)
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Now - the last cliche for the night...
Considering I learn and grow from experiences, daily, it is my hope that the best of my life is still coming. Especially now that I have found so much of myself again. Life is about constant discovery and rediscovery and finding out who and how you are. Taking every day and learning from it. Taking all of your experiences and moving forward with the knowledge it gave you...
So, for my life - the best is yet to be.