Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Why, Hello 34

I guess I have to embrace you, 34.  I guess, since you're here, I have to take you in stride.  I guess, I'll celebrate....

34= my favorite number plus 20 years
34= years of life experiences I cannot let go of (good and bad)
34= 18 years of living with my parents and add in a few summers after that
34= 23 years with a loving mother, 10 years missing her
34= 12 years of teaching kids I adore
34= almost 9 years of being a parent
34= 1/2 of my life knowing sign language
34= having had a different last name for a while
34= less than one year of adult dating
34= the blessings of a wonderful family
34= a life long love of music
34= a desire to live life to its fullest
34= a brother who's 40!!  (ha ha, E, I love you!)
34= older cousins who I look up to, respect, and love
34= younger cousins who I look up to, respect and love
34= having wisdom and knowledge that you don't know all there is to know
34= many mistakes and errors
34= many wonderful and unforgettable memories
34= learning experiences daily

34= cheers to many more...